Fog Warning review
Edward Lorn is a talented author. He must be, because in Fog Warning he manages to take a drug-addicted ER doctor who starts seeing strange things and develops him into a character that I wanted to read about. Now normally, drug-addicted ER doctors are not my thing. They're what I would consider bait for shows like Grey's Anatony or House or anything else as generic. But in the hands of Lorn, his doctor is soon seeing things he could not possibly be seeing and then getting closer to a killer and his next victim.
Err, no. That last sentence doesn't do the job. It still makes it sound like Lorn's drug-addicted ER doctor is more hackneyed than a split patella. So if you've read Fog Warning go right ahead and read the slightly spoilerly one below instead ...
But in the hands of Lorn, his doctor is soon seeing things he could not possibly be seeing and then getting closer to a killer he never knew he actually knew.
Long story short: This novella is engagingly written, well paced, and does not out-stay its welcome. Its protagonist may be difficult to empathise with, and you may find yourself not caring about his wellbeing, but I guarantee, by the three-quarter mark, you'll want him to prevail.
3.5 (Rounding Up to 4) Prescription Scams Gone Awry for Fog Warning.
Disclaimer: I have interacted with Edward Lorn on this site, but never met him in real life nor do I receive any kickbacks from him. Just in case that kind of thing matters to you...