Deck the Halls review

One short story a year that takes many of the Santa Claus related myths and tips them on their pointy ears would normally sound like stocking-filler. But in the hands of the imaginative Edward Lorn, the concept becomes a true source of fun and mayhem - not least of all because Lorn does not ask a red cent to read these shorts.
So in this expansion of The War on Christmas series begun with the highly entertaining The Naughty List, Santa goes on a mission to find the kidnapped Mrs Claus after suffering the death of a close, err, friend. Along the way he joins forces with an unexpected ally, and chases the Naughties all the way back to their hidden world ...
Of course, this one stops just when the going is getting great, but if the last part is as good as this one promises, then next Christmas ought to be a hoot.
4 Nut-Chomping-Crackers for Deck The Halls.